JARMAC In Memoriam

The SARMAC Governing Board is pleased to announce that JARMAC now includes an annual In Memoriam section which will be published in the final issue of each year. In Memoriam pieces will celebrate the life and contributions of SARMAC members who have contributed significantly to the research in any area of applied cognition and memory. 

The deadline for submissions is September 1st. Please contact the JARMAC Editor-in-Chief, Paula Hertel (phertel@trinity.edu), directly if you wish to submit an In Memoriam article. Details on how to submit are available on JARMAC’s "Guide for Authors" page. Below is the description.

In Memoriam Section

An annual In Memoriam section of the journal will celebrate the life and contributions of SARMAC members who have contributed significantly to research in any area of applied cognition and memory. Submissions should be authored by individuals who personally knew or collaborated with the honoree; collaborative contributions are encouraged. Contributions should not exceed 1,000 words and include three to five “recommended readings” that are selected from the honoree’s contributions. A black-and-white photograph of the honoree may be included. Submissions will be peer-reviewed by scholars familiar with the honoree’s work prior to publication.