Why you should join SARMAC

How membership works

Membership is on a calendar year basis (from Jan 1st - Dec 31st) so it makes sense to pay early in the calendar year. You can purchase a 1-year membership for the next calendar year any time from Nov 1st.

Memberships with print journal (JARMAC) subscriptions

If you purchase a Regular membership with a print journal subscription BEFORE 15 January you will receive electronic access to all back content of JARMAC and print copies of all four issues of JARMAC for the current year/volume. If you purchase a membership with print journal subscription at some point later in the year (AFTER 15 January), you will only receive print copies of any pending issues for that year.

Updating your membership details

Please contact the Executive Director if you need to make changes to the details that SARMAC holds for you (e.g., email, affiliation, postal address).

Who may join SARMAC?

The Society has four categories of membership for researchers and students in psychology or related disciplines: Regular member, Student member (graduate or undergraduate), Affiliate, and Emeritus.

Regular members:

As per the Society's bylaws, Regular members shall hold a Ph.D. or (in the determination of the Board) have equivalent experience and be qualified to conduct scientific research on applied issues concerning memory and cognition. Regular members may choose the 2-year payment options with a $10 reduction. Only Regular members are eligible to vote in SARMAC elections or to serve on the Society's Board of Governors. Regular members also enjoy certain advantages, as specified in Article VI of the Society bylaws.

Early-career researchers are deemed to be Regular members but receive a discounted membership rate. The Society defines early-career researcher status as being less than 10 years post PhD conferral Full-Time Equivalent (i.e., recognising career interruptions relating to, for example, medical leave and parental/family leave). Early-career researchers must provide the year their PhD was conferred when prompted at the check-out. Confirmation of doctoral degree conferral may be requested by the Executive Director at any time. When registering for ECR membership or applying for the J. Don Read Early Career Award, individuals who are more than 10 years post-PhD will be asked to briefly explain the nature of their career interruptions.

Student members:

Graduate and undergraduate students in psychology or related disciplines may apply for Student membership status.

Affiliate members:

People without a Ph.D. or equivalent experience can join as Affiliate members, as can those who are not researchers or students but who support the Society’s aims.

Emeritus members:

Colleagues who have been Regular members for three or more years may request Emeritus membership status upon retirement by contacting the Executive Director.

Membership prices

Member Types Journal (JARMAC)
Annual Fee 2-year payment option
Regular Paper journals US$90 US$170
Regular E-Journal US$85 US$160
Regular (ECR) Paper journals US$40 US$70
Regular (ECR) E-Journal US$30 US$50
Student (graduate or undergraduate) E-Journal US$25 not available
Student (graduate or undergraduate) No Journal US$10 not available
Emeritus E-Journal US$25 not available
Emeritus No Journal US$10 not available
Affiliate E-Journal US$25 not available
Affiliate No Journal US$10 not available

To Join or Renew

Please purchase one of the following membership options. Contact the Executive Director for further help or information.

from $30.00
from $10.00
from $10.00
from $10.00