Publications standing committee

Revised Sept 13, 2023


1. Description, membership and function

1a. The Board establishes a Publications standing committee for the Society.

1b. The Publications Committee will consist of the President and Past President of SARMAC together with 3 members of the Society who are not on the Board and who nominate themselves (or are nominated by the Board) and are elected by a majority vote of the Board. Committee members will serve a term of three years, staggered and renewable. The Publications Committee may not include any current Editor or Associate Editor of any SARMAC or competitor Journal.

1c. The Chairperson of the Publications Committee will be elected by a majority vote of the Board, based on nominations of (or self-nominations by) Committee members. The Chairperson will not normally be the President or Past President. However, the Past President will assume the responsibilities of the Chairperson if necessary.

1d. The responsibilities of the Publications Committee will be to [1] evaluate the value of SARMAC Journals to the Society and to applied research in memory and cognition, [2] to assess and to recommend ways to improve the quality and impact of SARMAC Journals, [3] to review procedures for the selection and tenure of Journal Editors and Associate Editors of SARMAC journals, and recommend changes to those procedures; [4] to recommend to the Board the Editors and Associate Editors of SARMAC journals; [5] to evaluate the continuation of Journals as being SARMAC Journals, and to explore the establishment of new Society Journals.

1e. The Publications Committee will provide recommendations to the SARMAC Board of Governors regarding any decisions to be made about SARMAC Journals. The SARMAC Board of Governors is responsible for approving or disapproving of the recommendations of the Publications Committee, via a simple majority vote. The SARMAC Board of Governors is responsible for forwarding these recommendations to the Publisher. To avoid conflicts of interest, Board members who are Editors and Associate Editors of SARMAC journals cannot vote on these recommendations.