SARMAC Regional Meeting Grant
Call Open for 2025
How to apply for a SARMAC Regional Meeting Grant
The SARMAC Regional Meeting Grant is available to support SARMAC members or groups of members to conduct regional meetings that facilitate the aims and principles of SARMAC for the benefit of all members.
The aim of these Regional Meetings is to conduct an official SARMAC meeting, but with a smaller, regional focus, a limited budget, and a clear theme related to SARMAC’s mission. These meetings are intended to complement SARMAC’s biennial meetings rather than to compete with them. The Regional Meetings may be general meetings in the area of applied memory and cognition, or specialist meetings on a single topic. They can be conference-style meetings, workshops, poster-only meetings, debates on a topic, etc. They can be two-day meetings, ½ day meetings, streamed online events, or other variations. (The maximum budget is $3,000 USD).
Application Deadline
30th April 2025, midnight PST.
How to apply
Please click below to download a copy of the Application Form. Applications should be emailed as a single .pdf file containing all relevant attachments to the The application must include a letter to confirm University venue booking, if applicable.
Click to download application form
Whom to contact for further information/queries?
Individual SARMAC members or groups of members are eligible to propose a Regional Meeting. Student members of SARMAC are not eligible to apply to host the regional meetings but are encouraged to be involved in the implementation of and attendance at the meetings. Only applications that do not coincide or conflict with the biennial SARMAC meetings will be considered eligible. Thus, the proposed regional meeting should fall within the current calendar year, but proposals to host a meeting early in the following year will also be considered if there are exceptional circumstances (e.g., to accommodate the availability of guest speakers). Please ensure that the SARMAC-subscribed email address is being used. Contact the executive director if unsure of the registered email address.
Eligible Costs
Eligible costs include any items deemed essential for the planning and implementation of the meeting, including, but not limited to: advertisements for the meeting, travel and accommodation costs for attendees (with consideration for reducing costs for student attendees), room hire, refreshments, AV equipment and support, etc. All costs must be justified in the Budget section of the application form.
Assessment process
Applications will be reviewed by the Events and Awards subcommittee and evaluated on the following criteria:
Benefit: How would the Regional Meeting benefit SARMAC members, with an emphasis on early-career and student members? How will the meeting attract new people to SARMAC, or promote SARMAC to non-members? How will the meeting enhance collaboration and cooperation between basic and applied researchers in memory and cognition?
Applicability: How well does the proposed meeting fit within the scope of Applied Memory and Cognition? Does it have a clear focus / goal(s) that fits with SARMAC’s broad mission?
Feasibility: Is the proposal feasible in terms of what the meeting organizers hope to accomplish? Is the time-frame allocated from application approval date to the date of the proposed meeting feasible? Is the meeting plan feasible given the budget?
Capability: Are the organizers capable of organizing the meeting and ensuring that it is successful? Is the location and proposed venue for the meeting able to accommodate the proposed agenda and scope of the meeting?
Previous regional meetings
Details of previous meetings can be found here.